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Window Accessories


You may wish to add further accessories to your windows to improve the security or functionality of the window. Some common accessories are listed below.


Window Lock SecurityWINDOW LOCK

There are a variety of locks available on the market that can be fitted to your existing windows to add an extra layer of security – this is called retrofit.

A retro fit device, consisting of a sash and outerframe element, which engage and can be locked with a key or screw fixing to secure the window. Window locks come in a variety of forms to suit timber and PVC applications.


Sash Jammer SecuritySASH JAMMER

A retrofit security device, fitted to the inside face of the frame of a window (usually PVC), with a rotatable arm that extends over the sash of the inward opening door or window, providing resistance to the sash being opened from the outside.

The arm is raised from the body, to accommodate for the rebate of the sash. Sash jammers come in both lockable and non-lockable options.